Painter of the month

Painters of the month
We are delighted to have Imogen, Katharine and Edward as our painters of the month.
Imogen loves pottery painting and decided to choose it as part of the "Compass Award" she is completing. Thank you to Teagan who works at AFU, for being her mentor.
Edward now has a family of monsters, a dinner and side plate, bowl and mug, all designed and created by himself!
Imogen and Edward have both had their pieces featured on facebook as pieces of the week. Well done!
Katharine enjoys visiting AFU with her family, but also with her friends.
She regularly attends our "Paint by Candlelight" evenings with a group of her friends.
Thank you for your loyal support. We look forward to see what your next creation will be.
Pieces of the Week
A beautiful message on this plate!
What a stunning owl mug!!
Coxy's Break
All Fired Up made an appearance on Coxy’s Big Break!
Coxy enjoyed his time with All Fired Up and our business was featured on his Channel 7 program.